Crafted by the Norlin Corporation, who held ownership of Gibson during the 1970s and 80s, this amplifier boasts circuitry partially designed by the renowned Bob Moog. A true vintage chameleon, it offers unparalleled tone shaping capabilities, making it ideal for seamlessly transitioning between genres and excelling in each one.

A master of cleans, this amplifier produces a colossal, luminous sound with expansive EQ that consistently delivers excellence. Its built-in reverb adds a subtle touch for jazz aficionados, outperforming other vintage jazz contenders like the Roland Jazz Chorus. Renowned players like BB King have brought this amp to the forefront, pushing its boundaries and channeling exceptional blues tones.

Equipped with a built-in compressor, this amp resonates with the essence of the 70s, offering the perfect blend of funk and country sounds, enhanced by an extra touch of squishiness. Whether in the studio or on stage, these tones are precisely what you're searching for. These amplifiers are truly remarkable, imbued with a lifetime of mojo that will never confine you to a single style, but rather continually fuel your creative vision.0


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